Chemistry Expansion Set for Senior High School Chemistry - Years 11 and 12
This is our Expansion Chemistry Set for Senior Chemistry practical investigations.
The Set is designed to be an add-on to our Chemistry Set for High School.
The Set contains.
1. Two narrow neck pipettes designed to explore Boyles Law
Video Flinn Scientific
2. One Pipette Pump and Two 2ml Pipettes which can be used together as a small scale burette setup for quantitative liquid analysis.
3. Two 5ml plastic syringes, two 10ml glass syringes with rubber tubing, two rubber tube clamps and a three way valve to suit these components. Using these components a variety of liquid, gas and solid chemical reactions can be investigated along with quantitative analysis.
4. 5 ml ceramic crucible for quantitative analysis
5. Four 10ml beakers, a 25ml, 10ml and 5ml volumetric flasks are included along with two 10ml conical flasks. In conjunction with the pipettes and pump this will allow titration experiments.
6. A rubber stopper with 15cm glass tube. This will allow basic refluxing for the production of esters.
The container is 350mm by 265mm by 42mm thick.
The total weight is 0.8 kg